Classic Elegance with a little bit of Opa!

Hidden Lessons in Medieval Treasures


Coventry ring 

The other day I found this ring on Pinterest. I was totally enamored with it the second I saw it. It had a gorgeous broad band covered with engravings that just kept me thinking, despite the turmoil and strife of their times, Medieval people had some of the most amazing jewelry and artwork. What kept me thinking about it later was its name, “Coventry ring”. I had to know more so I started googling until I came up with a book by Peter Murray Jones on “Visualizing Medieval Medicine and Natural History” and his passage on the meaning behind the Coventry ring.

It turns out that the Coventry ring and all of its engravings were symbols to remind its wearer of the pity, mercy, comfort, grace and ever -lasting life of Christ. To me this message is far more than a Christian one; it works today for anyone feeling lost in society. The ring much like the symbols that decorate Maria-Tina’s jewelry are a reminder of the ever-lasting love inside each of us. If you have pity for yourself, in your poor judgment and mistakes, you have mercy for those mistakes and comfort yourself in those moments, grace and ever-lasting love will surround you.

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Nature Symbols Ring with Turquoise  $188       SHOP NOW!

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to think about this Coventry ring, its message and the symbols of life, love and transformation that cover Maria-Tina’s jewelry; after all Valentines is about love, whether that is for your partner, your pet, your children or your community, love emanates from within. And there’s no better way to remind yourself of that source of ever-lasting love than to get your own reminder, a piece of Maria-Tina Minoan Jewelry this Valentine’s Day. Go to to order your own Maria-Tina original or call Maria-Tina directly to set up a custom design consultation.

Sending you love, light and laughter this Valentines Day. 


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